Group exhibition – Souostroví zaujetí

Oskar Hořánek's work moves on the factual level of communication. The author, who studied at the Drawing Studio (Jiří Petrbok School) and Printmaking Studio (Dalibor Smutný School) at the AVU in Prague, in his open series of paintings processes the reality of a person absent from the industrial landscape. Here they are represented by separated factory objects that are witnesses of the past, but can very easily become terrifying witnesses of the future. His illuminated, depersonalized forms, set amidst gray, faded images, resemble living beings, behind which a flicker of flame occasionally appears. They are artificial sanctuaries, production buildings and monumentalized technical articles, from which the human figure has disappeared, without which they survive. The factory works all the time without having any employees. Hořánek's phantom objects look like a copy of something real and at the same time reject the real.
2018–2022 Drawing Studio (J. Petrbok School), AVU, Praha, CZ
2016–2018 Printmaking Studio I (D. Smutný School), AVU, Praha, CZ
2012–2016 Applied Painting, Private High Art Design School, Praha, CZ
Solo Shows:
2024 Necrotic Symbiosis, Moon Gallery, Liberec, CZ
2023 Fire, Laichterův dům, Praha, CZ
2023 Helter Shelter, Art space NOV, Pardubice, CZ
2020 Petrblok, HIDDEN Gallery, Praha, CZ
2019 Face it, Artrafika, Praha, CZ
Groups Shows:
2023 Plastic Paintings, Galerie kritiků, Palác Adria, Praha, CZ
2023 16. ročník Ceny kritiky za mladou malbu, Palác Adria, Praha, CZ
2022 Fromage, kostel Nanebevzetí Panny Marie, Cheb, CZ
2022 Diplomanti a diplomantky AVU, Praha, CZ
2022 Arrival, festival Transforma, Tábor, CZ
2021–2022 Samota uprostřed davu: Charles Baudlaire a české umění, GASK, Kutná Hora, CZ
2021 Shower After Murder, Galerie Kritiků, Praha, CZ
2021 Zabiješ, Kampus Hybernská, Praha, CZ
2020 Kowloon, festival Deziluze, Březnice u Příbrami, CZ
2019 220 let AVU, AVU, Praha, CZ
2019 Neue Wilde, DOT Contemporary, Bratislava, SK
2017 Luciferův Exelfer, Městská knihovna na Chodově, Praha, CZ
2017 Grafika roku, Clam-Gallasův palác, Praha, CZ