

Kateřina Frgalová, currently studying in the Painting studio (led by Vladimír Véla) at the FDU ZČU in Pilsen, separates objects of everyday use, which she installs in inert spaces. It thus accentuates the essence of the image and elevates a seemingly banal object from the category of simple function to the category of transcendence. It presents the default reality with a specific fragmentation that is focused on a specific segment of the subject spectrum. An environment without people is characteristic of her paintings. With objects conceived as players on the stage of the world, Frgalová treats them as objects in which she can hide, which are personally close to her. They maintain a relationship with their user, although the user remains unseen, being the one who lives with them and observes them. Sometimes they seem to want to leave the picture, the space expanding around them pushes them to the edge of the frame.

2021–now Painting Studio (leaded by V. Véla), FDU ZČU, Plzeň, CZ
2018–2021 Painting Studio (leaded by A. Ogoun), FDU ZČU, Plzeň, CZ
2014-2018 Graphic Design, Secondary School of Applied Arts in Ústí nad Orlicí, CZ

Solo Shows:
2022 Ptáci, kteří nezpívají, Mammacofee Jiřího z Poděbrad, Praha, CZ

Group Shows:
2023 WhiteSpace, SuArte Galleria, Řím, IT
2023 Creative Crossroads: Homecoming, Inkubator Gallery, Plzeň, CZ
2023 White Space, Torino Riccardo Constantini Contemporary Gallery, Torino, IT
2023 Mixér, Depo2015, Plzeň, CZ
2022 Chaos, Galerie zastávka, Plzeň, CZ
2022 Výběr z hroznů, Depo2015, Plzeň, CZ
2022 Umělec umělci vlkem, Moving Station, Plzeň, CZ
2021 Chceme být mega slavný, festival Pokoje, Praha, CZ
2021 Performance, Zazvoňte jsme doma! Moving Station, Festival Nastevřeno, Plzeň, CZ
2021 Performance Zazvoňte jsme doma!, festival Next Wawe Žofín, Praha, CZ
2020 Jsme tu, jsme tady, jsme stále tady, festival Pokoje, Praha, CZ
2020 Schovej se, skupinová výstava, Farní sbor ČCE, Praha, CZ


Bříza / Brich tree

olej na plátně
170 x 170 cm

Pod stolem schovaní / Hidden Under Table

olejn na plátně
130 x 160 cm

Topení / The heating

olej na plátně
90 x 100 cm

Sedíme v křesle/ We Sit in Chairs

olej na plátně
125 x 150 cm

Musíme projít skrz / We Have to Get Through

olej na plátně
130 x 180 cm

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