RE_FORM: a probe into contemporary Czech sculpture

A bilingual publication for the group sculpture exhibition of the same name, Re_Form, which presents the work of an exceptionally strong wave of young sculptors, which is increasingly clear, but also suggest a mutual context and intergenerational connections, and which at the same time tries to at least slightly readjust the zoom on the Czech art scene, when attention has long been he concentrates almost exclusively on painting or intermedial projects.
Although, especially in recent years, there has also been a gradual increase in "bipolar" author exhibitions combining painting and sculpture, the domestic sculpture scene as a whole, or at least a representative part of it, is reflected only exceptionally. The re_form project wants to, if not change, at least partially disrupt this stereotype. It is no coincidence that the title of the exhibition refers to reform, i.e. to something that ignores the old and moves things elsewhere.
Exhibitors: Eliáš Dolejší, Pavla Dundálková, Ondřej Filípek, Matouš Háša, Jan Hendrych, Anna Hulačová, Kryštof Kaplan, Pavlína Kvita, Miriam Kaminská, Martin Malý, Vojtěch Míča, Aleš Novák, Lukáš Rittstein, Jaroslav Róna, Martin Skalický, Jindřich Zeithamml
Curator: Radek Wohlmuth
Text: Radek Wohlmuth
Photos: authors' archive, Petr Bedrna, Radek Dětinský, Werner Hannappel, Milan Havel, Pavel Hošek, Martin Chum, Michael Komm, Václav Litvan, Ivan Pinkava, Anna Pleslová, Martin Polák, Robert Portel, Tomáš Rasl, Tomáš Slavík
Graphic design: Ondřej Šorm
Number of pages: 80
ISBN 978-80-907418-6-7
Published by Spolek Trafačka, 2020