Gloomy Sunday

The book Gloomy Sunday was published for the opening of the exhibition of the same name, with the subtitle Hungarian Madness. Five Hungarian artists László Gyôrffy, Zsófi Pollmann, Pista Horror, Géza Szöllösi and Csab Kis Rók accompanied by texts by A. S. Berber, Léo-Karl d’Orfer and Mário Z. Nemes and was christened by Otto M. Urban.
Curators: d'Orfer – Bebrer – Hulla
Texts: A. S. Berber, Mário Z. Nemes, Léo-Karl d'Orfer
Exhibition and book production: Blanka Čermáková
Graphic design: Ondřej Šorm (Amazing Company)
Photographers: Csaba Aknay, Diána Darabos, Pier Giorgio De Pinto, Daniel Dorko, Tünde Hesz, Miklós Surányi, Éva Szombat, Krisztián Zana
Translation: Phil Jones, Kateřina Pietrasová, Barbora Štefanová
Proofreading: Tereza Hubáčková
Printing: Tiskárna Helbich, a. s.
Typeface: bb-book A, Berthold Akzidenz Grotesk
Paper: MultiOffset® 80, 140 gsm, MultiArt® Gloss 90 gsm
Number of copies: 350 pcs
Published by Spolek Trafačka as its 15th publication
Acknowledgments: Simona Janů, Miroslav Kovářík