

Lilla Gombos, currently studying at the Department of Painting (Studio 3EAM, led by Rostislav Sedlačík) at the VŠVU in Bratislava, does not work with color in her work, but with gesture. Her paintings are organic reliefs that emerge from the usual pictorial space, where they define their own territory with the help of tentacles that reach deep into the surroundings in order to clearly define the sovereign territory of the initial experienced rectangular environment and at the same time protect the inner space of various living germs. As if they were underwater organisms hung on the walls of the gallery, which are the last possible shelter of the private and personal from the public and common.

2019-now Department of Painting, Studio 3 EAM (leaded by R. Sedlačík), VŠVU, Bratislava, SK
2023–2024 Department of Painting, Guest Professor Studio (leaded by Z. Sedlecký), Guest Professor Studio (leaded by H. Garová), VŠVU, Bratislava, SK

Solo Shows:
2022 Lilla after Kant – Art Books Coffee, Bratislava, SK

Group Shows:
2024 By Appointment Only, Rare Cultural Space, Bratislava, SK
2024 Pop-up Pistoriho palác, Schottert. Contemporary, Bratislava, SK
2024 tEAMwork – Biela 6, Bratislava, SK
2024 Mauzóleum Ateliéru 3EAM: dysfunctional monday remix 231, Fuga, Bratislava, SK
2023 Rozptyl, Karpatská 24, Bratislava, SK
2023 Mäkké škrupiny, Pistoriho palác, Bratislava, SK
2022 Ťažko je žiť ľahko, Nitrianska Galéria, Nitra, SK
2022 Brainstorming 3EAM, Nová Vlna, Trenčín, SK
2022 Osvit, Bratislava, SK
2022 tEAMbuilding, Station Contemporary Art Gallery, Bratislava, SK
2021 OECD, Conference centre, Paříž, FR
2021 Sirotinec, Kultúrne centrum Modra, Modra, SK
2021 Festival Tehláreň, Liptovský Mikuláš, SK
2021 Maľbu za šiltovku, HotDock Project Space, Bratislava, SK
2021 Hluk Vlastnej Hlavy – Ateliér Maľby III., Fuga, Bratislava, sK
2021 ST: ART – Salle des pas perdus, UNESCO, Paříž, FR


Bez názvu / Untitled

kombinovaná technika, akryl, olej
53 x 83 x 23 cm

Bez názvu / Untitled

kombinovaná technika
60 x 110 x 25 cm

Bez názvu / Untitled

kombinovaná technika, akryl, olej
24 x 30 x 30 cm

Bez názvu / Untitled

kombinovaná technika, akryl, olej
80 x 122 x 44 cm

Bez názvu / Untitled

kombinovaná technika, akryl, olej
25 x 29 x 15 cm

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