
Karim Tarakji deals in his work with new media and their impact on contemporary society. With his work, he tries to cross the boundaries between new technologies and everyday life, and thus strives for their connection, understanding. In addition, he is interested in the very scientific nature of the latest technologies, which has not yet been exhausted. This is reflected in the creative essence of the works, which constantly brings new visual possibilities. Karim Tarakji has participated in many national and international exhibitions and competitions, in which he has won several important awards. Among the last ones we can mention the award in the category "Best school presentation" for the group work "Exposition KOSMOGONIE" within the international show "Designblok, Prague International Design Festival" in the autumn of 2018 or, for example, the Rector's Award for creative activity. In 2019, he participated in the installation "PQ 36Q - Blue Hour", which was part of the Prague Quadrennial. In 2023, he was included in the "New Talent List of 2023" by the audiovisual community "Frame:work" and in the same year he also became the Neon Award winner organized by the Signal Festival. Currently, apart from working on his own artworks and projects, he also manages the audiovisual studio play.AV.


Future #1

světelná instalace (R + G laser, sklo, hliník)
30 x 30 x 120 cm